harvest moon
The main channel of the Chesapeake is currently closed to most fishing due to dense, muddy water. Debris fields containing trees, logs, railroad ties, even 55-gallon drums and partially-submerged refrigerators make it nearly impossible to navigate anywhere near the Bay Bridge. The Susquehanna River remains near flood stage, so there is more bad water and trash to come. What’s a light tackle fisherman to do? Go east, young man – go east and go shallow. If you aren’t fishing the shoreline right now, you’re missing some of the most spectacular top-water action of the year. September is almost always a great month for top-water fishing, and it’s even better now since fish have been pushed out of the muddy waters of the channel toward the shorelines. Better yet, the high water makes it even easier to get our boats in tight and fish the current swept banks. Read More!
The full moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox (the first day of Fall) is called the Harvest Moon. It gets the nickname because there is bright moonlight from before sunset to almost sunrise so there is plenty of nighttime light for activities such as gathering crops. It’s also one of the best moons for fishing the Chesapeake Bay. I pay very close attention to the phases of the moon. Not only do they tell me a lot about water levels and the intensity of expected currents, they also provide information about fish behavior. Striped bass feed at night. While you aren’t likely to see younger Chesapeake stripers blitzing under the full moon, the big girls are usually on the prowl beneath bright night skies. I like to fish after dark during the spring and fall. By now you’ve likely read my recent reports about the great shallow-water action we’ve had this year. Nothing gets my blood boiling like nice fish blowing up on top-water plugs in less than a foot of water. For the past month or so shallow-water stripers have been extremely active in the late afternoon hours. The shore-side feeding frenzy usually begins around 5:00 PM and builds to a crescendo before turning off just after sunset. Things pick back up just before sunrise and continue until the day gets bright. This week, thanks to the full harvest moon, all bets are off. As you can see in the video, the shallow bite is wide open though both daylight and dark. Read More!