anglers log
If you’re reading this website, chances are you pore over everything you can get your hands on about fishing in the Chesapeake Bay. If you’re like me, you have favorite authors and preferred books or periodicals, and you can’t wait for the next issue to come along. The work of one of my favorite Chesapeake writers can’t be found in newspaper columns or outdoor magazines, but I’ve read every fishing report he’s written since 2003. Keith Lockwood writes for Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) fisheries website. I started reading his reports when I first started fishing the Bay. After recognizing the historical value of this weekly chronicle, I spent a couple of weeks scouring through all the archived entries. Through previous year’s dispatches I learned about angling techniques, behavioral patterns, places to fish, and a lot about the science behind our fishing regulations. I was extremely disappointed when I found out earlier this year that Keith would be cutting back on his weekly articles in favor of reader submitted entries in a section called The Maryland Angler’s Log. While I still miss Lockwood’s focused reports, I’ve been plesantly surprised by the new addition to the website. The Maryland Angler’s Log is a real winner. Read More!